Vol. 10, Special Issue 10 (2021)
Effect of replacement of hCG with GnRH on day 9 of Ovsynch program in Malnad Gidda cows
A Murugeppa, MK Tandle, NB Shridhar and A Sahadev
The present study was conducted to study the efficacy of GnRH and hCG on Day 9 of Ovsynch synchronization in Malnad Gidda cows. We used total of 66 animals for synchronization, 32 animals were synchronized using regular Ovsynch protocol while 34 were synchronised using hCG on day 9 instead of GnRH. We concluded that both GnRH and hCG could be used with equal efficacy for inducing ovulation.
How to cite this article:
A Murugeppa, MK Tandle, NB Shridhar and A Sahadev. Effect of replacement of hCG with GnRH on day 9 of Ovsynch program in Malnad Gidda cows. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 782-783.