Characterization and classification of selected rice-growing soils in hilly zone of Karnataka
Prabha Susan Philip and Anil Kumar KS
In Karnataka rice is grown under a variety of soils and wide range of rainfall and temperature. A study was carried out to characterize and classify the rice-growing soils of hilly zones of Karnataka. Two pedons each from Haliyal taluk of Uttara Kannada district and Hangal taluk from Haveri district were selected for the study. Haliyal soils (pedon 1) were deep (>120 cm), moderate, medium, sub-angular blocky in structure, dark brown (7.5YR) in colour, clay loam to silt loam in texture, strongly acidic to slightly acidic in reaction, low CEC (16.60 to 21.50 cmol (p+) kg-1 soil) and medium to high base saturation. Hangal soils (pedon 2) were very deep (>160cm), moderate, medium, sub-angular blocky in structure, dark brown to reddish brown or red (7.5YR- 5YR- 2.5YR) in colour, clay loam to clay in texture, strongly acidic to slightly acidic in reaction, low CEC (10.20 to 14.60 cmol (p+) kg-1 soil) and medium to high base saturation. Haliyal soils were classified as Aquic Haplustepts and Hangal soils as Oxyaquic Haplustalfs at subgroup level.
How to cite this article:
Prabha Susan Philip and Anil Kumar KS. Characterization and classification of selected rice-growing soils in hilly zone of Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 757-760.