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Vol. 10, Special Issue 10 (2021)

Production potential of paddy (Pooja) under bund plantation of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Agri-Silviculture module under agroforestry system in a farmer’s field, Pattamundai, Kendrapada, Odisha

Alok Tripathy, Dr. RK Prajapati, Dr. S Nayak and Dr. RK Kar
The present investigation entitled “Production Potential of Paddy (Pooja) under bund plantation of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Agri-Silviculture Module under Agroforestry system in a Farmer’s Field, Pattamundai, Kendrapada, Odisha” was conducted during Rabi season of 2020-21 in a Farmer’s Field, Pattamundai, Kendrapada, Odisha. The main objectives are to study the yield of paddy (Pooja) under Agri-silviculture under Eucalyptus tereticornis and as sole crop, Comparative study of B-C ratio of paddy as a sole crop and under Eucalyptus tereticornis bund plantation, growth increment in DBH and height of Eucalyptus tereticornis during the experimental period. Observations were recorded for growth and yield parameters such as Height measurement of paddy plants in 30-day interval till the harvest of crop 150 DAP, No. of Tillers /Plant at harvest, Panicle length of Paddy at harvest, Number of grains per panicle at harvest, Seed weight of 100 grains at harvest, Paddy yield (q/ha), Straw yield (q/ha), Biological Yield, Harvest index (%), for both the sole crop and under bund plantation of Eucalyptus tereticornis in a 30 days interval. Height of trees present in the field bunds, Daimeter at Breast Height (D.B.H.) was measured specifically for the tree components. After analyzing and computing the data results showed that if we consider only growth parameters and economic yield of paddy, bund plantation of trees has an adverse effect on paddy (Yield reduced up to 5% as compared to sole crop). But when we calculated the B-C ratio, the B-C ratio of sole crop was 2.22 where as the B-C ratio of crop with the bund plantation of Eucalyptus tereticornis was 2.55 because tree components provide a huge return primarily in terms of wood biomass when harvested after each rotation period.
Pages: 608-617  |  697 Views  411 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Alok Tripathy, Dr. RK Prajapati, Dr. S Nayak and Dr. RK Kar. Production potential of paddy (Pooja) under bund plantation of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Agri-Silviculture module under agroforestry system in a farmer’s field, Pattamundai, Kendrapada, Odisha. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 608-617.

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