Profile characteristics of progressive and non progressive sugarcane growers
Deepak Kamatar, Dipak Kumar Bose and KS Iliger
Present study was conducted in Bagalakot district of northern Karnataka during 2015-16. To know profile characteristics of adoption of improved cultivation practices of progressive and non progressive sugarcane growers. The study revealed that majority of progressive (55.00%) and non progressive farmers (60.00%) were found in high and low adoption category. It is also clear that majority (66.66%) of the progressive farmers and non progressive farmers (63.33%) were middle aged, as high as 33.33 per cent and 30.00 per cent of the progressive farmers and non progressive farmers studied up to high school level education, majority (71.66%) of progressive farmers and 61.66 per cent of the non progressive farmers were found in medium land holding category, as high as (43.33%) progressive farmers and 40.00 per cent of non progressive farmers had medium area under sugarcane, majority (65.00%) of non progressive farmers and only 21.66 per cent of progressive farmers were found in low income category, majority (55.00%) of progressive farmers and non progress ive farmers (53.33%) had high and low extension contact, as high as 41.67 per cent of progressive farmers and only 18.33 per cent of non progressive farmers were found in high mass media participation category.
How to cite this article:
Deepak Kamatar, Dipak Kumar Bose and KS Iliger. Profile characteristics of progressive and non progressive sugarcane growers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 555-559.