Concurrent infestation of Lynxacarus radovskyi and Otodectes cynotis in a Persian cat
Divya V, Gopalakrishnan MA, Anju Anna James, Rahul Ram S, Linija ML and Ranjith Mohan M
In this report, concurrent infestation of Lynxacarus radovskyi and Otodectes cynotis in a Persian cat and its successful therapeutic management has been described. A three year old male white Persian cat was presented at District Veterinary Centre, Palakkad, Kerala with clinical signs of weakness, pruritus, alopecia, salt and pepper appearance on hair coat and otitis. Examination of skin scrapings revealed adult stages of Lynxacarus radovskyi mites. Otodectes cynotis infestation was confirmed by ear swab examination. The cat was treated with a single application of Selamectin spot-on (6%) along with topical application of Lime sulfur dip from second week onwards twice weekly for three weeks. The animal was found negative for both the parasitic mites along with improvement in coat condition on review after one month.
How to cite this article:
Divya V, Gopalakrishnan MA, Anju Anna James, Rahul Ram S, Linija ML and Ranjith Mohan M. Concurrent infestation of Lynxacarus radovskyi and Otodectes cynotis in a Persian cat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 325-328.