Factors influencing consumer purchase towards toothpaste in Coimbatore city
Logithavanathi S, Chandrakumar M, Deepa N and Anandhi V
Toothpaste is one of the most significant product in oral care market. Oral care market offers a lot of potential penetration and the per capita consumption of oral care products is very low. Now, toothpaste industry has become one of the country’s largest consumer markets and day to day it’s becoming very competitive. The origin of new products contributes to the growth of toothpaste market. This research was conducted to analyze the factors influencing the consumer purchase towards toothpaste in Coimbatore city. It revealed that product functions, reference groups, promotional activities, benefits from the toothpaste usage were the key factors influencing the consumer purchase towards toothpaste.
How to cite this article:
Logithavanathi S, Chandrakumar M, Deepa N and Anandhi V. Factors influencing consumer purchase towards toothpaste in Coimbatore city. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 286-289.