Vol. 10, Special Issue 10 (2021)
A DEA approach to estimate of total factor productivity growth of sugarcane in Maharashtra
Swapnil Gupta, Ashutosh Kumar and Prakash Singh Badal
Productivity growth in agriculture is of paramount importance as higher yields are associated with declining rural poverty, suggesting that impact of growth in agricultural production on poverty remains high. Sugarcane is one of leading cash crop in India and stands at second to Brazil in sugarcane production in the world. Maharashtra is one of the leading producers of sugarcane in India but is its productivity has declined in the past recent years due to natural adversities such as draught and non-technological reforms. The paper attempts to estimate the Total Factor Productivity growth (TFP) using non-parametric DEA method in Maharashtra for the period 1980-2019. The results indicate the robustness of the methodology used and suggest suitable policy implications to revive the negative TFP growth of the crop in the state.
How to cite this article:
Swapnil Gupta, Ashutosh Kumar and Prakash Singh Badal. A DEA approach to estimate of total factor productivity growth of sugarcane in Maharashtra. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 269-271.