A study on Abomasal Atony in buffalo calves
B Sudhakara Reddy and S Sivajothi
Gastrointestinal tract atony is one of the most common digestive tract disorders in ruminants. Present study was carried out to record the clinic-pathological studies of abomasal atony in buffalo calves. Buffalo calves with complaint of anorexia, loss of defecation and colic signs were included in the present study. Physical examination revealed distension of the abdomen, sunken eyeballs, congested mucous membranes, tachycardia, tachypnoea and normal rumen motility. Distension of the abomasum with anechoic fluid and atony were recorded on abdominal ultrasonography. On haemato-biochemical evaluation, reduced levels of haemoglobin and packed cell volume, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, hypocalcaemia, hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia and hyperglycemia with increased aspartate aminotransferase levels were observed. All the calves were successfully treated with metoclopramide, fluids and supportive therapy.
How to cite this article:
B Sudhakara Reddy and S Sivajothi. A study on Abomasal Atony in buffalo calves. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(9S): 169-171.