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Vol. 9, Special Issue 7 (2020)

An economic comparison of organic and conventional wheat crop in Haryana

Heena, DP Malik and Nisha
Wheat is an important cereal crops grown on around 25.53 lakh ha in Haryana and the total production in the state is 125.73 LMT. Wheat is mainly cultivated with usage of HYVs seed coupled with chemical fertilizers in irrigated areas of the country but now, people are aware about ill-effect of increased agro-chemicals and prefer to consume organic product. This paper was attempted to examine costs involved, returns attained, resource use efficiency, various marketing channels and to identify various constraints in organic cultivation of wheat crop in Haryana. The relevant information was collated from wheat growers of Hisar and Sonipat districts of Haryana by survey method. The total cost of cultivation in organic wheat worked out was `71852 ha-1 and `78493 ha-1 for Hisar and Sonipat districts, respectively. Further, the corresponding figures for net returns were `10782 ha-1 and 13928 ha-.. Human labour and FYM + Jeevamrit were noted their under-utilization in cultivation of organic wheat and channel-IV was found the most efficient among all the marketing channels in disposal of wheat produce. Low production in initial years, need of certification for sale of organic products, high certification charges and lack of knowledge of recommended package of practices etc. are some of the major limitations impelling organic cultivation of crops in the state.
Pages: 258-266  |  1080 Views  480 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Heena, DP Malik and Nisha. An economic comparison of organic and conventional wheat crop in Haryana. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(7S): 258-266.

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