Ascites in a Doberman pinscher pup due to babesia infection: A case report
Chhotan Kumar Ghosh, Amal Banerjee, Falguni Mridha, Pradeep Sarkar and Samar Sarkar
The present case study reports a case of ascites in a two and half months old Doberman Pinscher male pup, that was presented with the history of persistent fever, progressive abdominal distension, inappetence, vomition, and depression. Detailed clinical examination, haemato-biochemical and blood smear study confirmed the ascites resulting from babesiosis. Treatment with babesiacidal, antibiotics, diuretics, hepatobiliary drugs resulted in uneventful recovery.
How to cite this article:
Chhotan Kumar Ghosh, Amal Banerjee, Falguni Mridha, Pradeep Sarkar and Samar Sarkar. Ascites in a Doberman pinscher pup due to babesia infection: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(7S): 253-255.