Comparison of home environment of preschoolers across residential area
Diksha and Dr. CK Singh
Preschool period, which continues till the primary school, personify one of the most crucial periods of development. Enriched home environment help in advance the overall development of child. Children from disadvantaged home are poorly equipped in cognitive abilities and socialization as compared to their relatively well-off counterparts. Maternal attitudes that encourage child’s independence and reciprocal parent-child interaction positively influence the child’s intellectual performance. Everyday experiences provide opportunities for infants to learn about cause and effect. The main purpose of the study was to investigate home environment of preschool children across residential area. The study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state. For selection of rural data four schools having preschool unit were selected and to draw urban sample five preschools were selected at random. From selected schools 240 pre-school children from the age group of four to five years were selected randomly. The sample consisted of equal number of preschool boys and preschool girls. Home environment of pre-school children were assessed by using Home observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME)by Bradley and Caldwell (1981). The collected data was classified and tabulated as per the objectives. For analysis of data frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation and independent sample ‘z’ test were used. Results indicated that in urban as well as in rural area majority of the preschool children had moderate level of home environment and urban preschool children had better home environment as compared to rural preschool children.
How to cite this article:
Diksha and Dr. CK Singh. Comparison of home environment of preschoolers across residential area. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(7S): 19-22.