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Vol. 9, Special Issue 4 (2020)

Dairy husbandry practices by women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat

TP Patel, LM Sorathiya, FM Kapadiya, PP Makawana and GR Chaudhary
Prevailed status of women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat was studied by selecting 150 women farmers randomly covering all talukas. Desired information was collected by questionnaire was analyzed in SPSS 26 software. Majority of women were belonged to midlife age. Significant higher numbers of women was lived in nuclear family (73.9%) in pakka houses. Majority of women were rearing 3 animals by mixed farming system along with agriculture. As majority was holding 2.4-6 acre land with open well irrigation facility. Majority were bathing (23%) and washing teats (91%) before milking. Few were using teat dip cups before and after milking. Knuckling method of milking was employed by majority of respondents (57%). California Mastitis Test (CMT) was used by few women to diagnose mastitis. Vaginal discharge was principle sign used for heat detection by majority of women. Majority of women were able to breed their animals within three months of calving. AI was very popular in studied region; mostly AI workers and semen of cooperative dairy were in demand for it. Half respondents were doing AI after 12-24 hours of onset of oestrous. Services/conception was 2 in majority cases. Nearly all respondents were feeding colostrum to calves. Majority of respondents were vaccinating their animals for FMD and HS vaccines. It can conclude that women dairy farmers of SK district are practicing dairy farming very well, however, awareness about modern practices needs to be created among for further improvement in performance of dairy farming in SK district.
Pages: 144-148  |  884 Views  224 Downloads
How to cite this article:
TP Patel, LM Sorathiya, FM Kapadiya, PP Makawana and GR Chaudhary. Dairy husbandry practices by women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(4S): 144-148. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2020.v9.i4Sd.4741

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