Status of women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat
Author(s): TP Patel, LM Sorathiya, FM Kapadiya, AI Dadawala, NB Bhati and CM Bhadesiya
Abstract: Prevailed status of women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat was studied by selecting 150 women farmers randomly covering all talukas. Desired information was collected by questionnaire was analyzed in SPSS 26 software. It revealed that majority women were studied upto secondary standard and were associated with agriculture and animal husbandry together. Mehsani breed of buffalo and Crossbred cow was main preference of women dairy farmers. Mean age of women dairy farmers was about 42 years. Average family members were 5.42. Among total 150 respondents 121 and 110 women have reared cows and buffaloes, respectively. Average numbers of cows were about 2.5 times more than buffaloes. Total average herd strength including cows and buffaloes were 7.03. Housing management practices used by women dairy farmers of SK district are showing that majority of respondents (75%) have pakka house with concrete floor located mostly in proximity to their dwellings. Concrete was mostly preferred. Majority of them were having manger and practically all farms were well ventilated. Thus, it can conclude that women in study area are possessing good number of cattle and buffaloes with good housing facility.
TP Patel, LM Sorathiya, FM Kapadiya, AI Dadawala, NB Bhati and CM Bhadesiya. Status of women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(4S): 141-143. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2020.v9.i4Sd.4740