Duck farming: A potential to reduce poverty in rural households in Indian communities – A review
Smita Patil, VN Khune and Saurabh Karunamay
Among different species of poultry, ducks are sturdy, prolific and disease resistance in nature. Indigenous ducks of our country constitute more than 90% of the total duck population and the second largest species after chicken which contributing towards egg and meat production in India. In India rearing of ducks is still in the hands of poor rural farmers, who depend mainly on ducks for their livelihood and employment, they rear duck on natural scavenging system in backyard. Duck farming and rising is a lucrative livestock industry in the globe because of its egg, meat and feather production. Poultry meat and eggs are one of the most widely consumed animal origin proteins food in various parts of the world, across a wide variety of cultures, traditions and religions. Ducks are reared like chicken for eggs and meat. As per livestock census 2019, the duck population of India is 27.43 million constituting 8.52 percent of the total poultry population. Duck population in India revealed that they are concentrated in Eastern, North eastern and Southern states of the country according to distribution and demographic dynamics. Ducks make a significant contribution in providing high-quality nutritional food needs however; the production of meat and duck eggs is still lower than chickens. Duck farming in India is characterized by extensive, seasonal, and it is held in the hands of small and marginal farmers and nomadic tribes. Three systems of duck rearing accepting in India i.e., free range system, Confined system and Indoor system. Duck plays important role in integrated farming with other farming like duck can rear with fish farming and/or paddy cultivation. Duck eggs contain all essential amino acids required by the human diet and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Due to lower water content duck eggs have more nutrient than chicken eggs. Due to high nutritional value with complete essential amino acid composition and good fatty acid, people consume the duck meat. Large-scale duck production requires more efforts for higher efficiency and improving product quality by breeding, nutrition and management in accordance with animal welfare requirements and environmental protection. Duck feeds on natural scavenging system like insects, snails and waste from kitchen, paddy grains and weeds. Farmers rear duck on this food sources in addition to the feed received from foraging. Extra feed supplements are also necessary for better production, as per farmer economic condition.
How to cite this article:
Smita Patil, VN Khune and Saurabh Karunamay. Duck farming: A potential to reduce poverty in rural households in Indian communities – A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(4S): 130-135.