Author(s): OP Mishra, Rupal Pathak, Mehtab S Parmar and Raina Doneria
Abstract: Current intensive agriculture system faces a major challenge to achieve higher production while supporting soil health and biodiversity. Among the livestock, cow has a prominent place in our country. For millennia, cow dung has been used for several purposes and served as a source of cheap fuel, housing material and insect repellent. Panchgavya that consisted of five ingredients from cow i.e. dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee is gaining attention of researchers for its various health benefits and its potential as therapeutic agent against many human diseases. Moreover, the cow dung possesses myriad batteries of microbes that exert their beneficial effects through production of metabolites. Since the ancient times, cow dung has also been used as an vital source of organic fertilizer and in the production of biogas. However, with modern civilization, this natural bioresource is forgotten and its exceptional qualities largely ignored. This review article is an attempt to gather all the scientific research findings that support the use of cow dung and its multifarious role in various sectors.
OP Mishra, Rupal Pathak, Mehtab S Parmar and Raina Doneria. Cow dung an undeciphered boon: An overview. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(11S): 84-89. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2020.v9.i11Sb.5370