Vol. 8, Special Issue 4 (2019)
Predicting survival on titanic through exploratory data analysis and logistic regression: Unraveling historical patterns and insights
Navneet KR Pandey and Ashish Jain
The research paper on the survival of passengers on the Titanic employs statistical techniques to investigate the factors that played a role in their survival. The study reveals that gender, age, and social class significantly impacted the likelihood of survival. The paper also acknowledges the limitations in the data and potential biases. The findings underscore the significance of access to lifeboats and the actions of crew members during emergencies and can potentially inform future disaster preparedness strategies. This study contributes valuable insights into the socio-economic factors that shaped the disaster and establishes the significance of thorough analysis and interpretation of historical data.
How to cite this article:
Navneet KR Pandey and Ashish Jain. Predicting survival on titanic through exploratory data analysis and logistic regression: Unraveling historical patterns and insights. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2019; 8(4S): 30-37.