Awareness level of rural farm women about organic farming in district Raebareli (U.P.)
Dr. Deepali Chauhan
An increase in the percentage of women in the agricultural labor force relative to men, either because more women are working and/or because fewer men are working in agriculture. This trend has been called the feminization of agriculture. This feminization of agriculture is caused by increased "casualization" of work, unprofitable crop production and distress migration of men "for higher casual work in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors", leaving behind women to take up low paid casual work in agriculture. Women are the major stakeholders in organic agriculture, precisely because they are the worst victims of chemical farming. Over decades, the socio-economic and health status of women in farming communities has been adversely affected by green revolution/ industrial farming technologies and policies leading them into debt, disease and destitution. So there is great need to make aware rural women regarding various aspects of organic farming through extension activities. Keeping all these things in mind KVK Raebareli has organized training programs for farm women to enhance their knowledge level regarding to organic farming. Pre and post knowledge level of farm women regarding various aspects of organic farming have been assessed through questionnaires. The sample consisted of randomly selected 120 women respondents. Analysis was carried out by using means, frequencies and percentages. Findings of the study revealed that KVK training’s have significant impact on knowledge level of farm women regarding various aspects of organic farming however some aspects of organic farming especially health benefits of organic foods needs more demonstration and training for making them efficient and friendly towards organic farming.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Deepali Chauhan. Awareness level of rural farm women about organic farming in district Raebareli (U.P.). Pharma Innovation 2024;13(4):155-158.