Gender differentials on muscular stress of male and female dairy workers during preparing food for cattle
Dr. Deepali Chauhan
Dairy farming is physically ardous occupation and exposes the dairy workers to various risks factors that have been associated with musculo-skeletal disorders. Further age and sex of dairy workers are the additional contributing risks factors responsible for muscular stress during preparing food for cattle. Hence in present study an attempt has been made to find out the risks factors involved in causing muscular stress during preparing food for cattle as well as to find out impact of age and sex of dairy workers on muscular stress caused during preparing food for cattle. Twenty two females and thirty males of lower age group (30-40 yrs.) and ten males and eight females of higher age group (40-50yrs.) were selected on the basis of their physical fitness. Physical fitness of the respondents was assessed through BMI index, blood temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. Study was conducted in three villages of Kalayanpur block (Hirdypur, Ishwarigang and Dharmpur) of Kanpur Nagar (U.P.). India. Overall analysis of four stages of preparing food for cattle i.e. onward journey(stage-1),fodder cutting(stage-2), preparing and carrying bundle (stage-3) and chaffing (stage-4) performed by female and male dairy workers of lower and higher age group, elicits that except onward journey, each stage of preparing food for cattle caused considerable muscular stress among dairy workers. Moreover maximum muscular stress was observed during chaffing. It may be because during chaffing a number of risk factors are prevailing as forceful body movements, whole body vibration, sustained bending posture, mechanical stress caused due to handling of chaff machine. Further, during stage – I (fodder cutting), percentage increase in grip strength whereas in rest of stages, percentage decrease in the grip strength was observed. Percentage increase in grip strength during fodder cutting indicates warm up period of the grip muscle, due to short duration of work whereas percentage decrease in grip strength during preparing and carrying bundle of fodder, chaffing and during complete cycle. Signifies fatigue of grip muscle due to longer period of work initiating anaerobic oxidation results in accumulation of lactic acid and Co2. Percentage increase in grip muscles strength was maximum in males of lower age group and percentage decrease in grip muscles was maximum in females of higher age group. Because age and sex have significant impact on grip muscles of dairy workers thus these are the personal risk factors on for the part of dairy worker engaged in preparing food for cattle leaving them vulnerable to various musculoskeletal disorders.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Deepali Chauhan. Gender differentials on muscular stress of male and female dairy workers during preparing food for cattle. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(4):119-123.