Yield enhancement of toria through cluster frontline demonstration in Darrang district of Assam
Mary Sadhana Sarma, Ipsita Ojha, Amrita Khound, Bipul Kr. Das and Abdul Hafiz
Abstract:Toria (Brassica campestris) is the most important rabi oilseed crop grown in different parts of Darrang district covering around 18267 ha of land and mostly grown after harvest of Sali paddy. Although it is a major oilseed crop, there are some lacuna in the cultivation of toria such as non-availability of high yielding varieties, non-adoption of new technology, its productivity (5.5 q/ha) is far below the average national productivity (9.7 q/ha) and state average of 6.5 q/ha. Keeping this point in view, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Darrang had conducted Cluster Frontline demonstration (CFLD) on improved technologies and high yielding variety TS-38 at 50ha & 30ha of land covering 122 framers’& 78 farmer’s fields of Darrang district during Rabi season of 2022-23 and 2023-24 respectively. Improved crop management practices recorded the highest mean seed yield of 9.1 q ha-1 and 9.8 which was 35.36 and 36.11 per cent higher than the yield obtained with farmers practice (6.4 q ha-1) & (7.2q ha-1) in the year 2022-23 & 2023-24 respectively. The average technology gap was recorded 0.9 q/ha and 0.2 q/ha in case of Toria var. TS 38 in 2022-23 & 2023-24 respectively while average extension gap was recorded 2.7 q/ha and 2.6 q/ha. Average technology index of toria var. TS-38 was recorded 9 and 2 percent respectively. Due to adoption of improved package of practices, demonstration plots recorded higher average seed yield over local check.
How to cite this article:
Mary Sadhana Sarma, Ipsita Ojha, Amrita Khound, Bipul Kr. Das, Abdul Hafiz. Yield enhancement of toria through cluster frontline demonstration in Darrang district of Assam. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(4):41-44.