Evaluation of Neem oil with different Agro-chemicals against Alternaria leaf blight of bottle gourd incited by Alternaria cucumerina under field conditions
Pandit Atul Atmaram and Shashi Tiwari
Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) is the most popular vegetables of the family cucurbitaceae, which forms an excellent diet being rich in vitamins iron and minerals. It is easily digestible and is used extensively as vegetable. Number of diseases such as Alternaria leaf blight, Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew, downy mildew and anthracnose. Among fungal diseases, Alternaria leaf blight and leaf spot caused by Alternaria spp. are the most important diseases of bottle gourd. Among seven Agro-chemicals evaluated against Alternaria Leaf Blight of Bottle Gourd under field conditions, Neem oil + Mancozeb proved to be most effective against the disease. Neem oil + Mancozeb proved to be most effective against Alternaria cucumerina, reducing the disease intensity and also yield was highly productive and was statistically significant. The maximum yield (kg/plant) in bottle gourd and B:C ratio was recorded in Neem oil + Mancozeb.
How to cite this article:
Pandit Atul Atmaram, Shashi Tiwari. Evaluation of Neem oil with different Agro-chemicals against Alternaria leaf blight of bottle gourd incited by Alternaria cucumerina under field conditions. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(4):07-09.