Abstract:Farm income, fertilizer, irrigation water use and labour use efficiencies, productivity, profitability and C:B were more than doubled with 100% of RDF i.e. 90:45:45:15 N: P2O5: K2O: S kg ha-1 soil application, 30% of RDF as WSF i.e. 30:15:15:5 N: P2O5: K2O: S kg ha-1, bio-stimulants (NPK consortia, humic acid, Sagarika) and chelated micronutrients fertigation through venchuri in medium long duration commercial Bt hybrid cotton Boll guard II based pigeon pea + oranges / vegetable cropping systems in shallow, stony, medium and deep Alfisols, Vertisols, Vertisols with calcite substrata and Vertic Inceptisols. On an average investments were recovered within two years and saved inter planted orange groves during summer by adopting drip-fertigation in all the soils using limited water resources, unlimited soil and foliar application of fertilizer nutrients along with plant protection chemicals. Cost of lint production was brought down by 35% with labour saving pressure compensating inline drippers, WSF, phosphoric acid, urea, potash, chelated micronutrients and bio-stimulants. Constraints faced by the farmers were delayed on set of monsoon or excess rains, crop rotations, pink bollworm attack and electric power supply.