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Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2024)

Effect of FYM and distillery byproducts on growth and yield of rabi sorghum crop under vertisols

Muttavva Awaradi, Kumara BH, SB Patil, Anusha KN and Ranjitha G
The field experiment was laid out to know the “Effect of FYM and distillery byproducts on growth and yield of rabi sorghum crop under vertisols, the experiment was carried out at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Vijayapura, during rabi seasons of 2020-21. The experiment comprising 11 treatments was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications.The treatments were consisted; T1: FYM @ 3 t ha-1; T2: Pressmud @ 3 t ha-1; T3: Spentwash @ 5 ml kg-1 of soil (1:10 dilution spentwash: water); T4: 3 t ha-1 (Spentwash + FYM (1:3 mixing and curing for 25 days)); T5: 3 t ha-1 (Spentwash + Pressmud (1:3 mixing and curing for 25 days)); T6: T1+100% RDF; T7: T2+100% RDF; T8: T3+100% RDF; T9: T4+100% RDF; T10: T5+100% RDF and T11: Absolute control.
Result revealed that the highest growth and yield of rabi sorghum were recorded when spentwash at 5 ml kg-1 of soil (1:10 spentwash and water dilution) applied in conjunction with recommended dose of fertilizers over all other treatments and similar trends were followed at 24, 48, 72 DAS and after harvest and followed by when combined application of spentwash with FYM and same with pressmud (both the combinations were cured and mixed at 1:3 ratios for 25 days) as compared to applied FYM or pressmud alone. Hence, the application spentwash at 5 ml kg-1 of soil (1:10 spentwash and water dilution) applied in conjunction with recommended dose of fertilizers and combined application of spentwash with FYM and same with pressmud are the best options for dryland agricultural production for enhancing the soil as well as crop productivity.
Pages: 16-19  |  389 Views  150 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Muttavva Awaradi, Kumara BH, SB Patil, Anusha KN, Ranjitha G. Effect of FYM and distillery byproducts on growth and yield of rabi sorghum crop under vertisols. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):16-19.

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