Seasonal incidence of lemon butterfly (Papilio demoleus Linnaeus) in relation to weather parameters on acid lime
SA Meshram, RV Kadu, ST Aghav, SR Kulkarni and PS Pawar
The present investigation entitled “Seasonal incidence and management of lemon butterfly Papilio demoleus Linnaeus on acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle)” was undertaken at AICRP on Fruits, Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri during 2022-2023. The studies on seasonal incidence of lemon butterfly on acid lime indicated that the pest occurs throught out the year except summer months. From the data it was observed that lemon butterfly incidence started increasing from June and attended its peak at 37th Standard Meteorological Week (first fortnight of September). The data on correlation studies of lemon butterfly incidence with weather parameters indicated that there was significant negative correlation between larval population of lemon butterfly with maximum temperature (r = -0.698**). However, lemon butterfly incidence showed positive correlation with morning relative humidity (r = 0.808**), evening relative humidity (r = 0.885**) and wind velocity (r = 0.608**), whereas, negative and non-significant negative correlation was found with minimum temperature (r= - 0.035) and rainfall (r = - 0.104).
How to cite this article:
SA Meshram, RV Kadu, ST Aghav, SR Kulkarni, PS Pawar. Seasonal incidence of lemon butterfly (Papilio demoleus Linnaeus) in relation to weather parameters on acid lime. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(1):18-21.