Importance of silica solubilising bacteria in agriculture
Astha Joshi, Sonam Mahawar, Rajnish Kajala, Surya Chauhan and Devendra Jain
Essential and non-essential silicate minerals are abundant in soil. In the form of silicic acid, silicon is quickly absorbed by plant roots and transported to active growth regions where it interacts with organic molecules to strengthen cell walls, giving rise to stronger plants. The alteration of insoluble forms of silicate minerals into soluble ones is a crucial function of silicate bacteria. In addition to solubilizing insoluble forms of silicates, potassium and phosphates can also be effectively dissolved by silicate solubilizing bacteria (SSB), which increases soil fertility and boosts plant productivity. By isolating and screening different bacterial strains, it is possible to identify and select the most effective strains that can efficiently solubilize silica in a particular environment or under specific conditions. Since SSB possesses a variety of PGPR traits, it is a superb choice for use as a biofertilizer to promote plant growth. This review is mainly focused on SSB and their role in activities on plants relative to nutritive perspectives, and the potential to utilise this knowledge to supervise a sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural system.
How to cite this article:
Astha Joshi, Sonam Mahawar, Rajnish Kajala, Surya Chauhan, Devendra Jain. Importance of silica solubilising bacteria in agriculture. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):133-139.