Development of spice mixture (Masala) for gluten free pasta and its shelf life study
Veena UK and Shobha D
Spirulina was incorporated to gluten free Quality Protein Maize (QPM) pasta at various levels (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%) to standardise the level of incorporation. The suitable flour ratio among several combinations tested for gluten free pasta was determined to be QPM flour (Q) 60%, black gram flour (B) 30%, defatted soy flour (S) 8% and guar gum (G) 2% (Q60:B30:S8:G2) for QPM pasta and QPM flour (Q) 60%, black gram flour (B) 30%, Spirulina (Sp) 6%, defatted soy flour (S) 2% and guar gum (G) 2% (Q60:B30:S2:Sp6:G2) for spirulina pasta. Steaming the ingredients for one hour, mixing and kneading for 30 minutes followed by refrigeration (4 °C for 15 minutes) yielded a rupture free pasta. Spice mixture M5 containing salt (1.5 g), turmeric (1.5 g), coriander seeds (1.5 g), red chilli powder (1.2 g), corn flour (0.75 g), citric acid (0.3 g) and fenugreek seeds (0.1 g) at the rate of 10 g per 100 g of pasta was best accepted among different combinations tested (M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5). The sensory scores of gluten free (QPM and Spirulina pasta) and control pasta (100% whole wheat flour) was found to be within the acceptable range (> 7.5 sensory score) in both the packaging materials during six months of storage. The increase in moisture content of pasta irrespective of the type of packaging was noticed. The highest peroxide value was noticed in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) package which indicated that metalized polyester polyethylene (MPP) package had high oxygen barrier property than PET package. At the end of storage period, QPM pasta had slightly higher values for FFA followed by spirulina pasta.