Effect of vitamin C, E, organic chromium and its combination on carcass traits of Narmadanidhi birds in winter season
Laxmi Chouhan, SS Atkare, Anil Shinde, Girraj Goyal, Sanju Mandal and Diana D Jesse
The present study was conducted to assess the effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E, organic chromium and its combination on growth performance and economics of Narmadanidhi birds in winter season. A total of 240, day old coloured dual type Narmadanidhi chicks were distributed into 12 dietary treatment groups with 20 chicks in 2 replicates in each treatment. The chicks were housed in individual pens as per treatment groups and reared on litter system. Starter and finisher ration were prepared and fed up to 6 and 7 to 12 weeks of age respectively. Dietary treatment supplements in starter and finisher ration were C0 control, C1 (150 mg AA/kg), C2 (250 mg AA/kg), E1 (125 mg vit E/kg), E2 (200 mg vit E/kg) Cr1 (1.25 mg Cr-propionate/kg), Cr2 (2.0 mg Cr-Propionate/kg). Combined supplements were C2E1, C2E2, C2Cr1, C2Cr2, and C2E1Cr2. The data of body weight, feed intake and feed efficiency were recorded and measured on 6th week interval. Analysis (One way ANOVA) was carried out to study the effect of treatments on production performance. The gross economics of rearing the chicks for complete experimental period was also calculated. During winter season starved live weight shrinkage, blood loss and feather loss were not affected due to treatments. E2, Cr1, Cr2 were significantly higher in eviscerated and total meat yield in both sexes. All combined supplement improved these traits with better effect in C2Cr2, C2E1Cr2 than all treatments. Percent fat in C2Cr2 and C2E1Cr2 were significantly lower than control.Finally it may be concluded that combined supplement C2Cr2, C2E1Cr2 had better carcass trait than control in winter season.
How to cite this article:
Laxmi Chouhan, SS Atkare, Anil Shinde, Girraj Goyal, Sanju Mandal, Diana D Jesse. Effect of vitamin C, E, organic chromium and its combination on carcass traits of Narmadanidhi birds in winter season. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1895-1899.