Abstract:Aim: The aim of the current study was to isolate and characterizes
Listeria species in different animal and environmental samples.
Material and Methods: The current study was undertaken with the objective of studying Listeria species from different eco-epidemiological units of animal interface in the rural and peri-urban areas of Shivamogga district. A total of 310 samples were collected, analysed, characterized by biochemical, sugar fermentation and molecular methods.
Results: Culturally, identified Listeria species were subjected to PCR targeting of 16SrRNA, Lmo1030, namA, scrA and Oxidoreductase genes. Further, the isolates were subjected to PCR targeting the virulence associated genes viz., plcA, hlyA, iap and prfA. Then, the isolates were subjected to ERIC PCR to known the genetic diversity.
Conclusion: Out of 310 samples eight isolates were identified as L. monocytogenes (0.6%), L. ivanovii (0.6%), L. welshimeri (0.6%) and L. grayi (0.6%). Genetic diversity of the isolates were performed by ERIC PCR where six ERIC types/cluster (C1to C6) were found with the Shannon weiver index of 0.752 and Simpson index of 0.928.