Enhancing chemical quality through pruning time, pruning intensity and fruit bagging in Mrig bahar Guava cv. Lucknow-49
Ravi Shankar Singh, Dr. AK Dwivedi, Dr. VK Tripathi and Akash Shukla
A field experiment was carried out at Garden of Department of Horticulture Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208002 during the tenure of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 to evaluate the fruit quality and yield through different pruning time, intensity and bagging of fruit in Mrig bahar Guava cv. Lucknow-49.The experiment was conducted in a Randomized block design (Factorial) with three replications. The treatment combination comprise of 3 factors viz. 3 pruning time, 2 pruning intensity and 2 bagging levels. Based on the experimental results it can be concluded that result obtained from the present investigation, among different pruning time (15th June), pruning intensity (50%) and fruit bagging (30 DAFS) was found most effective in improving chemical parameters of guava fruit. The results showed that application of T3P2D2 (15 June + Pruning of 50% of the annual growth + Bagging at 30 DAFS) has resulted in the maximum TSS (16.83 and 17.05 0Brix), vitamin-c (409.00 and 415.04 mg), reducing sugar (4.33 and 4.46%), non-reducing sugar (2.40 and 2.49%), total sugars (6.76 and 6.95%),), pectin content (1.18 and 1.21%), with minimum titratable acidity (0.15 and 0.15%) during both the year of observation. Pruning of guava trees in the second week of June with 50 per cent pruning intensity give maximum return for guava growers of Central-Western part of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
How to cite this article:
Ravi Shankar Singh, Dr. AK Dwivedi, Dr. VK Tripathi, Akash Shukla. Enhancing chemical quality through pruning time, pruning intensity and fruit bagging in Mrig bahar Guava cv. Lucknow-49. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):659-663.