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Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2023)

An enumeration of Fabaceae Lindl. Members in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India

Deepa Dhami, Sangeeta Joshi and DS Rawat
Fabaceae Lindl. is commonly called bean or legume family. Pantnagar is a small Tarai land area of ca. 51 km2 near Himalayan foot hills in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand. Plant specimens of family Fabaceae were collected from different localities of the study area. Results show that in Pantnagar, Fabaceae is represented by 130 species and 3 subspecies under 69 genera, 21 tribes and 4 subfamilies. Papilionoideae DC. is the most dominant subfamily with 47 genera, 90 species, followed by Caesalpinioideae DC. (19 genera, 32 species) and 3 subspecies, Detarioideae Burmeist. (2 genera, 2 species), and Cercidoideae Azani et al. (1 genus, 6 species). Most of the species are herbs followed by shrubs, trees, climbers. Among the tribes, Phaseoleae Bronn ex DC. is the largest followed by Desmodieae, Mimoseae and Caesalpinieae. Large number of wild relatives of crop plants (54 species) also occurs in the area while many are alien species which include 13 invasive species.
Pages: 315-323  |  592 Views  339 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Deepa Dhami, Sangeeta Joshi, DS Rawat. An enumeration of Fabaceae Lindl. Members in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):315-323.

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