Millets in meeting the nutrition security: A review
A Senthilkumar, B Bhakiyathu Saliha, S Sheeba, R Balamurugan, Geethu Jacob and J Vinoth Raj
The world is experiencing an unprecedented increase in extreme weather conditions and India is not exception. In this context, millets are most useful as it is a nutritious, climate change-ready crop with enormous potential for yielding higher economic returns in marginal conditions. Also, millets are nutritionally superior to other major cereals as they are rich in dietary fibres, resistant starches, vitamins, essential amino acids, storage proteins and other bioactive compounds. Considering that there is an increasing realization of the importance of millets, the current review aims to focus on the possible role that millets could play in promoting dietary diversification and balanced diets and suggest the way forward to use millets in addressing food and nutritional security issues in India.
How to cite this article:
A Senthilkumar, B Bhakiyathu Saliha, S Sheeba, R Balamurugan, Geethu Jacob, J Vinoth Raj. Millets in meeting the nutrition security: A review. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):3554-3557.