Influence of different nitrogen doses and cow based bio-enhancers on quality, nutrient content, uptake, soil fertility status and soil microbial population in late sown wheat
MR Chaudhary, KM Patel, MG Chaudhary, MH Chavda and HL Chaudhari
A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Instructional Farm, Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar during rabi 2021-22 on loamy sand to study the influences of different nitrogen doses and cow based bio-enhancers in late sown wheat on quality, nutrient content, uptake, soil fertility status and soil microbial population. Nitrogen as well as phosphorus uptake by grain and straw recorded significantly higher with T2 treatment i.e., 100% RDN + panchagavya as foliar spray @ 3% at 30, 45 and 60 DAS. Available nitrogen content in soil after harvest of the wheat crop was recorded significantly the higher in 100% RDN + jivamrut @ 500 litre/ha with irrigation at sowing, 21 and 45. Organic carbon, available P2O5 and available K2O status in soil after harvest of crop did not exert significantly with the different treatments. The population of beneficial bacteria (Rhizobium and PSB) was increased in all the treatments except in T1 (100% RDN) over its initial population.
How to cite this article:
MR Chaudhary, KM Patel, MG Chaudhary, MH Chavda, HL Chaudhari. Influence of different nitrogen doses and cow based bio-enhancers on quality, nutrient content, uptake, soil fertility status and soil microbial population in late sown wheat. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):3289-3292.