Effect of NPK levels on the physico-chemical properties and available nutrient status under cluster bean in lateritic soils of Konkan (M.S.)
AR Raut, MR Wahane, NH Khobragade, RR Banpatti, SB Thorat and VA Rajemahadik
A field experiment was conducted during Rabi, 2020-21 entitled, “Studies on different forms of potassium under cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) as influenced by the application of different levels of NPK in lateritic soils of Konkan” at Dapoli. Different levels of nitrogen (20, 40, 60 kg ha-1), phosphorous (40, 60 kg ha-1), Potassium (40, 60 kg ha-1) and an absolute control was used to comprise nine treatment combinations which were replicated thrice and analyzed using randomized block design. The chemical properties viz., Soil reaction, Electrical conductivity and Organic carbon at flowering content of soil did not show a significant change in their status. However, organic carbon at harvest, available macronutrients (N, P, K,) showed significant improvement as a consequence of various treatment combinations. In general, chemical properties of experimental plot represented a typical lateritic soil of Konkan (M.S.). Significantly highest available nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium content was recorded under treatment receiving highest level of inorganic fertilizers along with FYM application. Further, a stage wise decrease in nutrient status was observed from flowering to harvest of cluster bean.
How to cite this article:
AR Raut, MR Wahane, NH Khobragade, RR Banpatti, SB Thorat, VA Rajemahadik. Effect of NPK levels on the physico-chemical properties and available nutrient status under cluster bean in lateritic soils of Konkan (M.S.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1628-1632.