Impact of K.V.K.’s trainings for nutritional kitchen garden on behaviour of rural women
Dr. Deepali Chauhan
A balanced food has been always high on human agenda. However, due to poor economic condition, rural women are unable to purchase fruits & vegetables from market for their daily dietary need. This is resulted in poor health and imbalance nutritional status of farmers, farm women and children. Kitchen gardening can play an imperative role for rural families to recover diversified vegetables in their daily diet as well as to combat malnutrition prevailing among rural families. In this reference, K.V.K.,R aibareli has given trainings and demonstrations to rural women on Nutritional kitchen garden. After trainings and demonstration, impact of these trainings programs and demonstrations on behavior of rural women was assessed in terms of their knowledge regarding various aspects of kitchen gardening, attitude towards kitchen gardening and skill of developing and managing kitchen garden. Total 120 rural women, 60 trained rural women and 60 untrained rural women of district Raebareli were selected purposively for the study. Data were collected through personal interview method. Results suggest positive impact of K.V.K’s. trainings related to nutritional kitchen gardening on knowledge, skill and attitudes of farm women as well as vegetables intake in their daily diet. Thus on the basis of findings of the study it can be concluded that KVK had significant impact in improving health status of rural families through changing their behavior by imparting trainings on nutritional kitchen garden.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Deepali Chauhan. Impact of K.V.K.’s trainings for nutritional kitchen garden on behaviour of rural women. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1019-1022.