Study the antibiotic spectrum change of antibiotic resistant aerobic bacterial spore in sterilized milk during storage
Anushree YK, Ramachandra B, Malashree L, Manjunatha H, Rajunaik B and Praveen AR
In the present study, four isolates of aerobic bacterial spores identified from raw milk samples such as Bacillus licheniformis A6, Bacillus subtilis A29, Bacillus cereus A35, Bacillus tropicus A50 were selected based on antibiotic resistant characteristics against various groups of antibiotics using antibiotic susceptibility test. These resistant Bacillus sp. were inoculated to sterilized milk and stored at room temperature (25±1 ℃) for 21 days along with the control sample without test organism. During storage it was observed that there was a change in resistant characteristics among the isolates that signifies Bacillus sp. which were resistant at before storage became sensitive after storage and vice versa.
How to cite this article:
Anushree YK, Ramachandra B, Malashree L, Manjunatha H, Rajunaik B, Praveen AR. Study the antibiotic spectrum change of antibiotic resistant aerobic bacterial spore in sterilized milk during storage. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):572-575.