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Vol. 12, Issue 3 (2023)

Impact assessment of kitchen garden in food and nutritional security of rural families

Dr. Deepali Chauhan
Food is one of the most fundamental human requirement. A balanced food has been always high on human agenda. In the context of India, the answer unfortunately is a resounding. Vegetables are major source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. They are very important part of our diet as they contain various nutrients for many body functions. Vegetables also provide taste, palatability, better digestibility to us and increase the appetite better digestibility to us and increase the appetite. Kitchen gardening directly provides food and nutritional security by making access to food that can be harvested instantly, prepared, and fed to family members, daily or whenever required. Kitchen gardening is the revolutionary step to increase vegetables production as well as provision of cheap vegetables to the consumers Keeping in view all the above facts, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raebareli has conducted various trainings and demonstrations on Kitchen gardening for rural women. Health status of farm women in terms of per capita nutrient availability to rural families has also been assessed which is presented in the present paper. Purposive sampling has been used for the selection of rural households of farm women who were the part of trainings and demonstration organized by K.V.K Raebareli. Total 120 rural women of district Raebareli from the villages namely Belabhela, Belagusisi, Kodarjahanpur, Atarthariya, Purehashapurawa and Kuchariya have been selected for the study. Personal interview method has been used for data collection. On the basis of the findings of the study, it can be said that use of recommended practice in kitchen garden has significant positive impact on average yield, average per capita availability of vegetables and in fulfilling daily recommended allowances of vegetable consumption, thus on per capita availability of nutrients too.
Pages: 652-656  |  947 Views  672 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Dr. Deepali Chauhan. Impact assessment of kitchen garden in food and nutritional security of rural families. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):652-656.

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