Design and fabrication of solar operated height adjustment pesticide sprayer
Dr. Anurag Singh Tomer
Spraying is one of the most essential operations in present-day farming. With the advancement in the agricultural sciences. There is a substantial increase in plant pests, weeds, disease, and fungus. So to get rid of this problem spraying machines are used. In agriculture, a sprayer is a mechanical device that is used to apply herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers on different crops. Variety of sprayers present in market share a common problem that is it has to be carried by the farmer on its back. Particularly the knapsack sprayer the farmer has to carry the tank of the sprayer which is about 15 to 16 litres heavy and simultaneously has to create pressure through the other hand by operating the lever which is very laborious and time-consuming. Hand sprayer or backpack sprayer are slow and are not efficient enough to use them in large farms. On the other hand, tractor- mounted sprayer is one which is fixed on to the tractor the capacity of the tank ranges from 150 to 500 gallons. They are more efficient than hand-operated sprayers and are compatible with large farms. But they are expensive to get and their cost of maintenance is high also the tractor operated sprayer or boom sprayer is not suitable with the green-house conditions. The main objective of this research is to increase the efficiency of the farmers. Our design matches the capability of the farmer and enhances to bring out the maximum output of the farmer by saving his time and energy. The equipment works on electric energy and solar energy and has less maintenance cost. So that it can run quite efficiently in the village region of our country. Also where there is no electricity or less electricity is available this electric sprayer can be charged easily with the help of solar energy. The equipment has height adjustment facility also for spraying different liquids on different plants and crops.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anurag Singh Tomer. Design and fabrication of solar operated height adjustment pesticide sprayer. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):3425-3429.