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Vol. 12, Issue 2 (2023)

Foliar application of potassium and restricted irrigation improved the growth and yield of wheat under rainfed condition of Bhal region

Ram Niwas Choudhary and Kinjal J Suthar
Foliar application of potassium increases the drought tolerance in the wheat crop with restricted irrigation, keeping in the view, a field experiment effect of foliar K application for improving wheat yield and water productivity under restricted irrigation condition was conducted at Agricultural Research station, Anand Agricultural University, Dhandhuka, Bhal region of Gujarat under conserved soil moisture condition with restricted irrigation in the Rabi season of 2021-22 with the objective to reduce moisture stress and to enhance the yield potential of wheat by using potash sprays. Inadequate moisture during the sensitive stages will cause substantial reduction in yield. The experiment was laid out in three replication with nine treatments in split plot design. They are (A). Irrigation levels, I1­: One irrigation at CRI stage, I2: Two Irrigation at CRI and flowering stage, I3: Three irrigation at CRI, late jointing and milking stage. (B). Foliar K application, F1: Control (Water spray), F2: 2% K foliar application at tillering (40-45) and jointing (60-65 DAS), and K3: 4% K foliar application at tillering (40-45) and jointing. The result indicated that due to irrigation management plant height at harvest (70.56 cm), length of ear (7.12), biological yield (7751 kg/ha) and grain yield (3367 kg/ha) was found significant with I3 treatment rest of parameters found non- significant with irrigation levels. Further data indicate from K foliar application, the plant height at harvest (71.51 cm), no of ear head sq. m. (295.44), length of ear (7.17), no, of grain per ear (32.68), test weight (44.03), biological yield (7112 kg/ha) and grain yield (3244 kg/ha) were recorded superior with K3 Treatment (4% K foliar application at tillering (40-45) and jointing) whereas, plant height, no of ear head (sq. m) no, of grain per ear, biological yield and grain yield found at par with F2 treatments Overall, it was observed that the foliar potassium fertilization and restricted irrigation increased the growth, yield attributes and grain yield.
Pages: 1970-1974  |  504 Views  291 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Ram Niwas Choudhary, Kinjal J Suthar. Foliar application of potassium and restricted irrigation improved the growth and yield of wheat under rainfed condition of Bhal region. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):1970-1974. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2023.v12.i2x.18664

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