Abstract:Field experiments were conducted during early summer season (January to April) of 2021 at Department of Entomology, VNMKV, Parbhani to study the “Influence of weather parameters on growth and yield of cucumber”. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design in eight treatments with three replications. The treatment was T
1 [Emamectin benzoate 5% SG], T
2 [Flubendamide 480% SC], T
3 [Spinosad 45% SC], T
4 [Cyantraniliprole 10% SC], T
5 [Novaluron 10% EC], T
6 [Lambda cyhalothrin 5% SC], T
7 [Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC] and T
8 [Untreated control. The weather conditions like temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. affected on population of insect pest, growth and yield of cucumber. During entire study, meteorological instruments like Spectroradiometer, Green seeker, Pocket weather meter and soil thermometer were used to record weekly reading on daily basis.
Spectroradiometer was used to estimate vegetation indices such as NDVI, EVI, PAR, RVI, DVI and SAVI from the study plots. Simultaneously, Green seeker was also used to estimate NDVI from the same field. Whereas, Pocket weather meter were used to record weekly meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature, humidity, thermal heat index, dew point and wet bulb temperature and soil temperature) was recorded using soil thermometer (5, 15 and 30 cm depth). The result of the present investigation indicated that the treatment T4 [Cyantraniliprole 10% SC] was found to be superior in the flowering parameters such as days require to first flower (35.5 days) was found to be minimum of cucumber crop as compared to rest in treatments. In case of fruit parameters, the treatment T4 [Cyantraniliprole 10% SC] was found with days require to 1st fruit (49.0 days), total number of fruits per plant (16.0), and weight of fruit per plant (3.72) of cucumber as compared to rest in treatments. In case of yield parameters, the treatment T4 [Cyantraniliprole 10% SC] was found with days required to first harvest (56.0), weight of fruit per plant (3.72), yield Kg per plot (26.0) and yield Kg/ha (42472.3) of cucumber as compared to rest in treatments. The result of the present investigation indicated that, in case of spectral indices parameters such as EVI the treatment T4 [Cyantraniliprole 10% SC] was found with EVI (0.80) of cucumber as compared to rest in treatments.
Hence, it was concluded that the use of T4 (Cyantraniliprole 10% SC) as a best for increasing growth, yield, and spectral indices like NDVI of cucumber.