Heterosis for yield and quality traits in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.)
D Bharathi, K Hariprasad Reddy, D Mohan Reddy, P Latha, B Ravindra Reddy and M Sreevalli devi
Fifteen hybrids of blackgram were developed by crossing six distinct blackgram genotypes viz.,LBG 787, LBG 752, TU94-2, TBG 104, MBG 1045 and KU 1006 in half diallel mating design without reciprocals and evaluated for estimation of heterosis for sixteen traits including yield, its components and quality traits.Based on estimates of heterosis, the crosses viz., TU 94-2 × LBG 752, LBG 787 × LBG 752 exhibited significant mid parent, better parent and standard heterosis in desirable direction for majority of the yield, yield attributes and few quality traits while the crosses viz., TU 94-2 × KU 1006 and MBG 1045 × KU 1006 exhibited significant heterosis for most of the quality traits along with early maturity. Hence, these crosses could be successfully exploited for development of high yielding varieties with improved quality in future breeding programmes.
How to cite this article:
D Bharathi, K Hariprasad Reddy, D Mohan Reddy, P Latha, B Ravindra Reddy, M Sreevalli devi. Heterosis for yield and quality traits in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):525-529.