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Vol. 12, Issue 2 (2023)

Profile of gram growers of farmer field school in Parbhani district

Biradar VV, Khalge MI and Lade AH
The present study was conducted in Parbhani district of Marathwada region of Maharashtra state. The study “profile of gram growers of Farmer Field School in Parbhani District” was conducted in Parbhani, Manvat and Selu talukas of Parbhani district, from each taluka four villages selected and from each village ten respondents were selected, total tune of 120 respondents were randomly selected for study. Ex-post-facto research design was used for the research study. It was noticed that, more than half of the respondents i.e. 62.50 per cent were in middle age group, more than twenty five per cent (28.33%) respondents were educated up to high school level, nearly two third (65.00%) of the respondents had medium size family, more than thirty per cent (33.34%) of the respondents had small size land holding, more than two third (68.34%) of the respondents had medium farming experience, more than sixty five per cent (69.16%) of the respondents had medium annual income i.e. Rs. 96,000 to Rs. 3,20,000, more than sixty per cent (62.50%) of the respondents had medium social participation, more than two fifth (44.17%) of respondents had medium scientific orientation and nearly two fourth (72.50%) of the respondents had medium level of knowledge.
Pages: 154-156  |  511 Views  207 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Biradar VV, Khalge MI, Lade AH. Profile of gram growers of farmer field school in Parbhani district. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):154-156. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2023.v12.i2c.18423

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