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Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2023)

Influence of fertility level, plant population and age of seedling on quality growth parameter of kharif transplanted pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)

Santosh Kumar Pandit, Shambhu Prasad, Annu Bharti, Indrajeet Kumar Niranjan and Bal Manohar
A field experiment was conducted during kharif session 2018 at Research Farm, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur to find out the influence of fertility level, plant population and age of seedling on growth parameter of kharif transplanted pearl millet. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replications and twelve treatment combinations, comprising three levels of fertilizer along with four combinations of spacing and age of seedling. Result shows that application of treatment F3 (150:75:75 kg NPK ha-1) was recorded significantly higher no of leaf (20.69), Plant height (236.92 cm), Tillers plant-1 (4.21) and Dry matter accumulation (1235.67 g m-2) at harvest but days to 50 percent flowering higher in N90P45K45 fertility level and which was statistically at par with F2 at all the growth stages. Among the plant population and age of seedling number of leaf (20.64), plant height (238.56), Dry matter accumulation (1260.58) and Tillers plant-1(4.21) significantly higher in treatment T2, T3, T2, T3 respectively.Among the levels of plant population and age of seedling, T3 treatment had significantly higher grain yield (3.95 t ha-1), net return (Rs.71788/ha) and B: C ratio (3.19) but being statistically similar with T1 treatment.
Pages: 2618-2621  |  297 Views  145 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Santosh Kumar Pandit, Shambhu Prasad, Annu Bharti, Indrajeet Kumar Niranjan, Bal Manohar. Influence of fertility level, plant population and age of seedling on quality growth parameter of kharif transplanted pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):2618-2621.

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