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Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2023)

Effect of new generation herbicides on growth attributing characters in Phule Samarth variety of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.)

SS Jamdade, BT Shete, NJ Danawale, Puja Phadte, NV Kashid, AG Durgude, MR Patil, PS Gochar and Vikas Reddyoxyflourfen
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2021 on Seed Cell Unit, 'F' Block, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The experiment consisted of oxyflourfen, pendimethalin as pre emergence herbicides and Quizalofop ethyl and Ready mix Propaquizafop + Oxyflourfen as post emergence herbicides and their combination thus forms 10 treatments along with unweeded check (control). At 28 DAT plant height and number of leaves gives non-significant response to different weed management treatments. Treatment T9 Weed free check (2 Hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAT) recorded significantly maximum plant height (cm) and number of leaves at 56, 84 and at harvest. Treatment T9 Weed free check (2 Hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAT) recorded significantly maximum neck thickness (cm) and dry matter plant-1 (g) at 28, 56, 84 DAT and at harvest and minimum plant height, number of leaves, neck thickness and dry matter plant-1 was recorded significantly minimum in treatment T10 Unweeded check (control).
Pages: 2281-2284  |  227 Views  89 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
SS Jamdade, BT Shete, NJ Danawale, Puja Phadte, NV Kashid, AG Durgude, MR Patil, PS Gochar, Vikas Reddyoxyflourfen. Effect of new generation herbicides on growth attributing characters in Phule Samarth variety of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):2281-2284.

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