Molecular detection of goat pox virus in goats from Kerala, India
Arun PM, Rajasekhar R, Chintu Ravishankar, Hamza Palekkodan, K Sumod, Koshi John, KM Maneesh and S Shashank
Small ruminants are the primary livestock resource of many poor rural families around the globe. Many viral infectious diseases can affect these animals and in turn, can cause economic loss to farmers by causing mortality and production loss. In the present study outbreaks of goatpox viral (GPV) infections in goats were investigated in Kerala, India. Detection of the agents from these outbreaks was carried out employing molecular methods. In this study, the P32 gene for the GPV was targeted for molecular diagnosis. On BLAST analysis of the GPV isolate of the present outbreak, it showed 99.89 to 100% nucleotide similarity with other Indian isolates, with more similarity to the Puducherry isolate (MK805069).
How to cite this article:
Arun PM, Rajasekhar R, Chintu Ravishankar, Hamza Palekkodan, K Sumod, Koshi John, KM Maneesh, S Shashank. Molecular detection of goat pox virus in goats from Kerala, India. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):2117-2119.