Association between profile of the cashewnut growers and impact of cashewnut production technologies in terms of change in cashewnut yield
Raykar SS, Kadam JR, Sawant PA and Warwadekar SC
The present study was undertaken with the main objective to study the association between profile of the cashewnut growers and impact of cashewnut production technologies in terms of change in cashewnut yield. The study was conducted in two major cashewnut growing district i.e. Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts of Konkan region of Maharashtra. In all 240 respondents were selected by using multi stage sampling techniques. The “Ex-Post-Facto” research design was used for conducting the study. The data were collected through the personal interview. The data collected were processed and statistically analyzed by using statistical technique like chi-square test. Among the thirteen selected independent variables namely age, education, area under cashewnut cultivation, age of orchard, number of bearing trees, annual income, experience in cashewnut cultivation, accessibility to cashewnut orchard, market orientation, scientific orientation, information seeking behavior and adoption were shown significant association with impact of cashewnut production technologies while family size had shown non-significant association with impact of cashewnut production technologies in term of change in cashewnut yield.
How to cite this article:
Raykar SS, Kadam JR, Sawant PA, Warwadekar SC. Association between profile of the cashewnut growers and impact of cashewnut production technologies in terms of change in cashewnut yield. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):1861-1862.