To assess the knowledge of primary school teachers in respect to mid-day meal scheme in Bikaner district of Rajasthan
Saloni Jyani and Dr Mamta Singh
Mid Day Meal Scheme is an Indian school meal program designed to enhance the nutritional status of school-age 6 to 10 years children across the country. Children in government primary and upper primary schools are given free meals on working days by the program. In the present study, one hundred primary school teachers consisting of 50 males and 50 females were randomly chosen from the Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Interview schedule was used to collect the data. The present study revealed that majority of the teachers were in the age group of 35-45 years (34.0%), most of the male teachers were graduates (48.0%) and female teachers were having diploma (54.0%), maximum were Hindu (56.0%), forty five percent belonged to the general category and 73 percent were residing in nuclear families. Specific information regarding MDM was collected and found that majority of (73.0%) teachers reported that program was launched by the central government, the scheme for classes 1st to 8th , food prepared by NGOs, 50 percent children were benefited under the MDM scheme, (75%) children were taking their meal on school days. Primary teachers (70.0%) informed that they checked the quality of food in MDM, (65%) teachers reported that cooking staff was sufficient and was adequate, teacher (73%) had positive attitude towards hygiene of children and MDM workers. Male teachers (32%) respondent reported that MDM program needs improvement, (80%) of female teachers reported for no change needed in MDM program.
How to cite this article:
Saloni Jyani, Dr Mamta Singh. To assess the knowledge of primary school teachers in respect to mid-day meal scheme in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):1857-1860.