Abstract:The present investigation entitled "Sowing methods and nitrogen levels effect on growth, yield and economics of wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) was carried out at Crop Research Farm of National Post Graduate College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur, (U P.) during rabi season of 2021 with the objective to study the effect of row spacing and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and economics of wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.). The soil of the experimental field was silty loan in texture with low, medium and high in N, P and K, respectively. The experimental site is situated in subtropical zone in into agnatic planes.
The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (Factorial) and sown on 7th December 2021 with two factors. A - sowing methods i.e., T1 - Broadcasting and T2 - Line Sowing and B - Nitrogen Levels i.e., T1 - 60 kg N as basal + 30 kg N after 1st irrigation+ 30 kg N after 2nd irrigation, T2 - 70 kg N as basal + 35 kg N after 1st irrigation + 35 kg N after 2nd irrigation and T3 - 80 kg N as basal + 40 kg N after 1st irrigation + 40 kg N after 2nd irrigation and with three replications. The crop was harvested on 16th April 2022. The result indicated that the Line Sown method of sowing proved significantly superior over Broadcasting method of sowing in terms of plant height, number of tillers per hill, number of leaves per plant, length of spike, number of grains per spike, test weight, grain yield, straw yield, harvest index, gross return (Rs/ha) and net return (Rs/ha.) respectively while 80 kg N as basal + 40 kg N after 1st irrigation + 40 kg N after 2nd irrigation gave significantly highest value in terms of terms of plant height, number of tillers per hill, number of leaves per plant, length of spike, number of grains per spike, test weight, grain yield, straw yield, harvest index, gross return (Rs./ha) and net return (Rs./ha.), respectively over rest of the treatments. Line sown method of sowing and 80 kg N as basal + 40 kg N after 1st irrigation + 40 kg N after 2nd irrigation increased the growth parameters and yield of Wheat.