Abstract:Field experiment was conducted during the year January 2020 – January 2021 at Post Graduate Institute Research Farm, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri (M.S.) to study the effect of urban compost on yield of
seasonal-sugarcane in
Vertic inceptisol.The field experiment was laid out in randomized block design and incubation study was done in completely randomized design with three replications and eight treatments. There were five levels of nitrogen 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose of nutrients (RDF) with 100% P2O5, 100% K2O along with organic manures viz., FYM and urban compost.
The application of 75% N through urban compost and remaining 25% N through urea, with recommended dose 115 kg P2O5 and 115 kg K2O ha-1 in seasonal-sugarcane significantly increased cane and CCS yield followed by GRDF, 100% N through Urban compost and 50% N through Urban Compost + 50% N through Urea. Yield attributing characters viz., no. of tillers, total cane height, Millable cane height, no. of Millable canes, girth and length of internodes, yield of cane and CCS were significantly higher in 75% N through urban compost + 25% N through urea (T6) treatment.
In view of the economics, Application of 75% nitrogen through urban compost and remaining 25% nitrogen through urea along with recommended dose of phosphorus@115 kg ha-1 + potassium@115 kg ha-1 to seasonal - sugarcane found beneficial for increase in growth parameters (millable cane height, total plant height, tillers, No. of millable cane, number, length and girth of internodes), uptake of macro & micro nutrients, nutrient use efficiency, net returns and yield of sugarcane grown in Vertic Inceptisol. However, the treatment of 25-50%N through urban compost and remaining 75-50% N through urea along with recommended dose of P and K to seasonal -sugarcane found beneficial for increased in agronomic efficiency and B:C ratio of seasonal –sugarcane.