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Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2023)

Herbicides efficacy & nutrient uptake (N, P2O5, K2O) by weeds in kharif maize (Zea mays)

Vijay S Gavande, Vishal S Bhakde and Shivaji K Gavit
Maize is a vigorous and tall growing plant, it is susceptible to competition from weeds. High rainfall, high humidity and high temperature provide very conducive conditions for the lavish growth of the weeds. Weeds compete with crop plants for light, space, water and nutrients, especially during the early stages of growth as they are more adapted to agro-ecosystems than crop plants. To evaluate the loss of major nutrient (Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium), a field experiment was conducted at College Farm, among ten treatments, weed free treatment attributed more number of leaves, maximum plant height, dry matter production and leaf area per plant followed by treatment of topramezone 33.6% SC @ 25.2 g a.i.ha-1 + atrazine 50% WP @ 250 g a.i.ha-1. Poor growth attributes were recorded in weedy check. Significantly maximum values of yield attributes were recorded in treatment of topramezone 33.6% SC @ 25.2 g a.i.ha-1 + atrazine 50% WP @ 250 g a,i. ha-1 followed by treatment of tembotrione 42% SC @ 105 g a.i.ha-1+ atrazine 50% WP @ 250 g a,i.ha-1. Minimum values of yield attributes were attributed in weedy check. Treatment of topramezone + atrazine @ 25.2 + 250 g a.i ha-1 as PoE (T6) found effective in limiting weed growth and recorded lower weed index, weed dry matter with higher weed control efficiency followed by tembotrione + atrazine @105 + 250 g a.i. ha-1 as PoE (T7) at all growth stages of crop. Lower uptake of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium by weeds were recorded in treatment of topramezone + atrazine @ 25.2 + 250 g a.i. ha-1 as PoE followed by tembotrione + atrazine @ 105 +250 g a.i. ha-1 as PoE. The benefit cost ratio was highest (2.94) with application of topramezone + atrazine @25.2 + 250 g a.i ha-1 followed by tembotrione + atrazine @ 105 + 250 g a.i ha-1 as PoE (2.81) whereas weedy check recorded significantly lower B:C ratio (1.50) over other treatments.
Pages: 567-670  |  425 Views  183 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Vijay S Gavande, Vishal S Bhakde, Shivaji K Gavit. Herbicides efficacy & nutrient uptake (N, P2O5, K2O) by weeds in kharif maize (Zea mays). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):567-670.

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