Effect of new generation fertilizers with conventional fertilizer on nutrient use efficiency, growth and development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Shikhar Verma, NS Rana, Vikash Singh, Mausmi Rastogi, Shravan Kumar Maurya and Praveen Kumar Yadav
A Field experiment was conducted at crop research centre of SVPUA&T, Meerut (U.P.) during 2020-21.Field was well drained sandy clay loam soil, low in organic carbon and available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus, potassium and zinc and moderately alkaline in pH. Novel nutrient sources and their modes of applications with 12 treatments consisting of control, basal application of recommended 100% NPK (150:60:40), 75% NPK (112.5:45:30) + NPK Consortia seed treatment (250 ml in 3 litre water 60 kg-1 seed) + NPK (18:18:18 @15 g l-1) + Bio-stimulant (625 ml ha-1) + Nano N (4 ml l-1) + Nano Zn (10 ml l-1) in various combinations were attempted on wheat variety HD 2967 in RBD design with three replications. The results of the study revealed that wheat grown with 75% NPK + NPK Consortia + NPK + Bio-stimulant + Nano Zn spray attainted significantly better growth as reflected by, CGR (5.8 g m-2 day-1) and RGR (0.0022 g g-1 day-1). Nutrient use efficiency i.e. agronomic efficiency for N, P & K (24.5, 61.3 & 92.0 kg of grain in yield increase kg-1of nutrient applied), physiological efficiency for N, P & K (23.4, 156.9 & 37.7 kg of yield increase kg-1 of nutrient absorbed) and partial factor productivity for N, P & K (49.7, 124.2 & 186.3 kg of grain kg-1 of nutrient applied) was also better under treatment. Thus, the wheat crop grown with application of 100% NPK + Bio-stimulant spray had attained better CGR, RGR, nutrient use efficiency i.e. Agronomic Efficiency (AE), Physiological efficiency (PE), Partial factor productivity (PFP).
How to cite this article:
Shikhar Verma, NS Rana, Vikash Singh, Mausmi Rastogi, Shravan Kumar Maurya, Praveen Kumar Yadav. Effect of new generation fertilizers with conventional fertilizer on nutrient use efficiency, growth and development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):434-437.