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Vol. 11, Issue 6 (2022)

Hematology and biochemical assessment of healthy Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax)

Madhvee Dhairykar, Shobha Jawre, Saksham Patel and Sachin Kamboj
The night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) is a medium-sized bird belongs to the family Ardeidae along with other members like egrets. In the present study, haematobiochemical parameters of night herons were evaluated on 10 clinically healthy night heron at Jabalpur forest division (Madhya Pradesh). The birds were rescued from near the residential areas and keep in the Outdoor patient department (OPD) of School of Wildlife Forensic and Health, NDVSU, Jabalpur for observation. Blood were collected from wing vein and immediately dispensed in two sterile vacutainers, one with EDTA and the other was in clot activator (Peerless Biotech Pvt. Ltd). Plasma was separated and major biochemical parameters were analyzed. The Mean±SE values for the parameters were: Red blood count (RBC) 2.49±0.08 106/µl, White blood count (WBC) 172.24±3.83 103/µl, hemoglobin (Hb) 16.79±0.64 g/dl, Packed cell volume (PCV) 36.50±1.34%, MCH 65.51±2.11 pg, MCV 146.18±4.92 fl, MCHC 49.45±0.80 g/l, platelets 204.09±15.23103/µl, heterophils 62.73±1.09%, lymphocytes 32.45±1.03%, monocytes 1.91±0.25%, eosinophils 2.00±0.23% and heterophil: lymphocyte 1.92±0.08. The biochemical parameters analyzed: TP 4.32±0.02 g/dl, SGOT/AST 73.27±0.77 µ/l, UA 5.15±0.04 mg/dl, these haemato-biochemical parameters can act as reference values for future analysis involving health screening of night heron.
Pages: 312-314  |  505 Views  181 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Madhvee Dhairykar, Shobha Jawre, Saksham Patel, Sachin Kamboj. Hematology and biochemical assessment of healthy Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):312-314.

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